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Latitude:  -2.65Longitude:   -66.51667

Antipode: 2.65 , 113.48333

Sunrise: 10:09 GMT     Sunset: 22:18 GMT
Daylight: 12 h 8 m 46 s      Solar noon: 16:13 GMT

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Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
CuiabáBrazilPopulated place-2.51967-66.3767521.2713.2247°NE
Alacatuba IslandBrazilIsland-2.5-66.4518.2711.3524°NNE
Igarapé GurumatiBrazilStream-2.6-66.610.816.7259°ENE
Ilha ArumandubaBrazilIsland-2.55-66.6666620.0512.4656°ENE
Ilha do AraçatubaBrazilIsland-2.58333-66.4510.496.5245°NE
Ilha do CapoteBrazilIsland-2.53333-66.6333318.3611.4145°NE
Ilhas de AraçatubaBrazilIsland-2.5-66.4518.2711.3524°NNE
Ilha TararáBrazilIsland-2.53333-66.5513.518.3916°NNE
Ilha Tarará-MirimBrazilIsland-2.51667-66.5666715.859.8521°NNE
Ilha TararazinhoBrazilIsland-2.58333-66.4510.496.5245°NE
Ilha UrucatubaBrazilIsland-2.5-66.4518.2711.3524°NNE

Page issued on Mon 07-Oct-2024 02:41 GMT
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