Searching for annandale, va, us
Name | Country | Feature | | Latitude | Longitude |
Annandale | VA, USA | Populated place | | 38.83039 | -77.19637 | Annandale Acres | VA, USA | Populated place | | 38.81873 | -77.19304 | Annandale Terrace | VA, USA | Populated place | | 38.824 | -77.20665 | Annandale Community Park | VA, USA | Park | | 38.83817 | -77.21137 | Annandale Business Center | VA, USA | Spot | | 38.83178 | -77.19054 | Annandale Shopping Center | VA, USA | Spot | | 38.834 | -77.18859 | Annandale District Government Center | VA, USA | Building | | 38.82678 | -77.23554 | Annandale United Methodist Church Cemetery | VA, USA | Cemetery | | 38.834 | -77.18609 | Annandale Post Office | VA, USA | Post Office | | 38.83057 | -77.19071 | Annandale High School | VA, USA | School | | 38.82176 | -77.20781 | Annandale School (historical) | VA, USA | School | | 38.83234 | -77.19359 | Annandale Terrace Elementary School | VA, USA | School | | 38.82729 | -77.20815 | Annandale Church of Christ | VA, USA | Church/Temple | | 38.82095 | -77.20303 | Annandale United Methodist Church | VA, USA | Church/Temple | | 38.83428 | -77.18498 |
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