Searching for charlottesville, va, us
Name | Country | Feature | | Latitude | Longitude |
Charlottesville | VA, USA | Populated place | | 38.02931 | -78.47668 | Charlottesville Reservoir | VA, USA | Artificial lake | | 38.02997 | -78.56422 | Charlottesville Reservoir | VA, USA | Artificial lake | | 38.13743 | -78.7429 | Charlottesville and Albemarle County Historic District | VA, USA | Park | | 38.03153 | -78.48029 | Charlottesville Shoppers World Shopping Center | VA, USA | Spot | | 38.07792 | -78.47974 | Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport | VA, USA | Airport | | 38.13954 | -78.44978 | Charlottesville - Albemarle Airport Fire Department | VA, USA | Building | | 38.13878 | -78.4499 | Charlottesville-Albemarle Joint Security Complex | VA, USA | Building | | 38.00597 | -78.49445 | Charlottesville - Albemarle Rescue Squad Station 1 | VA, USA | Building | | 38.04169 | -78.4745 | Charlottesville City Hall | VA, USA | Building | | 38.02986 | -78.47751 | Charlottesville City Sheriff's Office | VA, USA | Building | | 38.03266 | -78.47829 | Charlottesville Fire Department Headquarters | VA, USA | Building | | 38.02939 | -78.48643 | Charlottesville Fire Department Station 1 | VA, USA | Building | | 38.05073 | -78.4804 | Charlottesville Fire Department Station 10 | VA, USA | Building | | 38.04691 | -78.52357 | Charlottesville Police Department | VA, USA | Building | | 38.03005 | -78.4774 | Charlottesville-Albemarle Community Mental Health Hospital | VA, USA | Hospital | | 38.04014 | -78.50002 | Charlottesville Post Office | VA, USA | Post Office | | 38.06724 | -78.4854 | Charlottesville Albemarle Technical Education Center | VA, USA | School | | 38.06248 | -78.46378 | Charlottesville Catholic School | VA, USA | School | | 38.05442 | -78.45849 | Charlottesville High School | VA, USA | School | | 38.05241 | -78.47663 | Charlottesville Christian Fellowship Church | VA, USA | Church/Temple | | 38.01736 | -78.47446 | Charlottesville Church of Christ | VA, USA | Church/Temple | | 38.03208 | -78.48779 | Charlottesville Church of the Nazarene | VA, USA | Church/Temple | | 38.01875 | -78.47501 | Charlottesville Seventh Day Adventist Church | VA, USA | Church/Temple | | 38.02097 | -78.51502 |
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