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Cere / Ceres, Italy   Populated place

Latitude:  45.316666Longitude:   7.383333

Antipode: -45.316666 , -172.616667

Sunrise: 06:59 GMT     Sunset: 16:27 GMT
Daylight: 9 h 28 m 0 s      Solar noon: 11:43 GMT

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Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
AlaItalyPopulated place45.316677.316675.223.2490°E
BalangeroItalyPopulated place45.266677.5166711.837.35242°WSW
CantoiraItalyPopulated place45.357.383333.712.31N
CasettiItalyPopulated place45.433337.4333313.568.4317°NNE
CereItalyPopulated place45.316677.3833300
Ceresole RealeItalyPopulated place45.433337.2516.6510.3539°NE
ChialambertoItalyPopulated place45.366677.356.153.8225°NNE
FianoItalyPopulated place45.216677.5166715.279.49223°SW
FornettiItalyPopulated place45.433337.3833312.998.07N
GerinagnanoItalyPopulated place45.257.466679.886.14221°SW
GroscavalloItalyPopulated place45.366677.2511.827.3562°ENE
Lanzo TorineseItalyPopulated place45.266677.466678.585.33230°SW
LemieItalyPopulated place45.233337.2833312.147.54220°SW
LocanaItalyPopulated place45.416677.4512.297.6425°NNE
MissirolaItalyPopulated place45.366677.316677.634.7443°NE
MontigliItalyPopulated place45.416677.4333311.87.3319°NNE
NoascaItalyPopulated place45.457.3166715.739.7819°NNE
PessinettoItalyPopulated place45.283337.43.932.44199°SSW
PiandemaItalyPopulated place45.47.4666711.347.0535°NE
PraieItalyPopulated place45.47.513.018.0944°NE
San LorenzoItalyPopulated place45.457.4166715.079.3610°N
SpagnaItalyPopulated place45.216677.514.48.95219°SW
ViùItalyPopulated place45.233337.366679.375.82188°S
VonzoItalyPopulated place45.366677.356.153.8225°NNE
Colle del LisItalyPass45.183337.3666714.99.26185°S
Fiume Stura di VallegrandeItalyStream45.°SW
Stura di ViùItalyStream45.266677.433336.814.23215°SW
Torrente Stura AlaItalyStream45.°SW
Torrente Stura di ViùItalyStream45.266677.433336.814.23215°SW

Page issued on Sat 25-Jan-2025 03:49 GMT
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