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Pinerolo, Italy   Populated place

Latitude:  44.883331Longitude:   7.350000

Antipode: -44.883331 , -172.65

Sunrise: 05:36 GMT     Sunset: 16:59 GMT
Daylight: 11 h 22 m 27 s      Solar noon: 11:17 GMT

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Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
AirascaItalyPopulated place44.916677.4833311.156.9371°ENE
BagnoloItalyPopulated place44.757.3166715.079.37190°S
BricherasioItalyPopulated place44.816677.38.45.22208°SSW
BruinoItalyPopulated place45.016677.4666717.4610.8532°NNE
BuriascoItalyPopulated place44.866677.416675.583.47251°WSW
CasavecchieItalyPopulated place44.933337.459.65655°NE
CastellaniItalyPopulated place44.87.359.285.76180°S
CavourItalyPopulated place44.783337.3666711.216.97187°S
CumianaItalyPopulated place44.983337.3666711.216.97N
LusernaItalyPopulated place44.87.2512.187.57220°SW
MoliniItalyPopulated place44.866677.4833310.686.64260°W
PineroloItalyPopulated place44.883337.3500
PiossascoItalyPopulated place44.983337.4666714.448.9740°NE
ScalengheItalyPopulated place44.883337.4833310.526.5390°E
TavernetteItalyPopulated place44.957.366677.544.6810°N
Torre PelliceItalyPopulated place44.816677.2166712.888235°SW
VigoneItalyPopulated place44.857.512.47.71253°WSW
Villa PerosaItalyPopulated place44.933337.259.65655°NE
Stazione AirascaItalyRailway station44.916677.4833311.156.9371°ENE
Torrente ChisoneItalyStream44.816677.416679.15.65215°SW

Page issued on Mon 07-Oct-2024 02:50 GMT
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