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Esplas, France   Populated place

Latitude:  42.974823Longitude:   1.376390

Antipode: -42.974823 , -178.62361

Sunrise: 06:01 GMT     Sunset: 17:20 GMT
Daylight: 11 h 19 m 24 s      Solar noon: 11:41 GMT

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Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
Serres-sur-ArgetFrancePopulated place42.968941.5159711.397.08267°W
SoulanFrancePopulated place42.923661.2494311.817.34241°WSW
SuzanFrancePopulated place43.025341.43597.424.6141°NE
Arrondissement de PamiersFranceCity43.083331.515.729.7740°NE
Bois de las LessesFranceForest42.838381.4973718.1111.25213°SSW
Cap de la Coume PignouFrancePeak42.905251.5050713.048.1234°SW
Chaîne du PlantaurelFranceMountains43.040251.5198513.768.5558°ENE
Col de FortFrancePass42.898591.4515510.476.5216°SW
Comté de FoixFranceZone431.510.456.4974°ENE
Forêt d’AndronneFranceForest42.933331.433336.554.07225°SW
Forêt de BrassacFranceForest42.920411.5018311.887.38239°WSW
Forêt de ListardFranceForest42.873841.4072611.527.16193°SSW
Forêt de RiverenertFranceForest42.938631.2623810.126.29247°WSW
L’Arac RivièreFranceStream42.899141.2320714.478.99234°SW
Montagnes du PlantaurelFranceMountains43.040251.5198513.768.5558°ENE
Pic des 3 SeigneursFrancePeak42.833331.4333316.4210.2196°SSW
Pricou de BerneFrancePeak42.905251.5050713.048.1234°SW

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