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Great Wigborough, United Kingdom   Populated place

Great Wigborough
Latitude:  51.799999Longitude:   0.850000

Antipode: -51.799999 , -179.15

Sunrise: 06:11 GMT     Sunset: 17:14 GMT
Daylight: 11 h 2 m 56 s      Solar noon: 11:43 GMT

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Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
West BergholtUnited KingdomPopulated place51.916670.8333313.048.1N
West MerseaUnited KingdomPopulated place51.766670.95.063.15223°SW
WinehoeUnited KingdomPopulated place51.850.966679.776.0755°NE
Berechurch HallUnited KingdomSpot51.850.96.544.0732°NNE
HytheUnited KingdomRailway station51.883330.9166710.356.4326°NNE
Lawing CreekUnited KingdomStream51.70.7666712.537.78207°SSW
Mersea IslandUnited KingdomIsland51.783330.957.134.43255°WSW
Northey IslandUnited KingdomIsland51.716670.7166713.068.11225°SW
Osea IslandUnited KingdomIsland51.716670.7666710.916.78212°SSW
Ray SandUnited KingdomHydrographic feature51.666670.9666716.8810.49208°SSW
River BlackwaterUnited KingdomStream51.733330.883337.774.83197°SSW
River ColneUnited KingdomStream51.850.9833310.736.6759°ENE
Roman RiverUnited KingdomStream51.850.958.855.551°NE
Saint Peters ChapelUnited KingdomAcheological site51.716670.9333310.916.78212°SSW
Sales PointUnited KingdomPoint51.750.9333384.97226°SW

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