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???? / ????? / ????? / ????? / ?????? / Afina / Afini / Afiny / Aten / ?ten / Atene / Ateny / Athen / Athenae / Athénes / Athens / Athína / Athinai / Athinia / Atina, Greece   Populated place

Latitude:  37.983334Longitude:   23.733334

Antipode: -37.983334 , -156.266666

Sunrise: 04:23 GMT     Sunset: 16:02 GMT
Daylight: 11 h 38 m 59 s      Solar noon: 10:13 GMT

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Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
????GreecePopulated place37.9833323.7333300
????????GreecePopulated place37.9613923.638898.645.37254°WSW
AfinaGreecePopulated place37.9833323.7333300
Le PiréeGreecePopulated place37.9613923.638898.645.37254°WSW
?????????GreecePopulated place37.9643223.6199110.186.32258°WSW
???GreecePopulated place38.1062923.8616917.7211.0139°NE
????GreecePopulated place37.833223.8031117.811.06200°SSW
????GreecePopulated place38.1034823.6689614.529.0223°NNE
?????GreecePopulated place37.9873423.767643.041.8982°E

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