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Bosque Del Apache Refuge Headquarters, NM, USA   Building

Bosque Del Apache Refuge Headquarters
Latitude:  33.805065Longitude:   -106.907524

Antipode: -33.805065 , 73.092476

Sunrise: 14:11 GMT     Sunset: 00:24 GMT
Daylight: 10 h 13 m 5 s      Solar noon: 19:18 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Bosque Del Apache Refuge Headquarters.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
LaborcitaNM, USAPopulated place33.9459-106.8686416.089.9913°NNE
San AntonioNM, USAPopulated place33.91784-106.8658613.138.1617°NNE
San AntonitoNM, USAPopulated place33.89285-106.8744710.246.3617°NNE
San MarcialNM, USAPopulated place33.70007-106.9872513.828.59212°SSW
San PedroNM, USAPopulated place33.91034-106.8422513.188.1927°NNE
TiffanyNM, USAPopulated place33.72312-106.943369.716.03200°SSW
Val VerdeNM, USAPopulated place33.70312-106.9308611.557.18191°S
Antelope Wilderness Study AreaNM, USAPark33.7834-106.7755712.447.73259°W
10039 Water WellNM, USAWell33.94812-106.872816.2410.0911°NNE
10043 Water WellNM, USAWell33.90118-106.8719711.196.9517°NNE
10044 Water WellNM, USAWell33.89173-106.92039.726.04N
10045 Water WellNM, USAWell33.84368-106.88784.672.923°NNE
10046 Water WellNM, USAWell33.87701-107.036714.388.9456°NE
10048 Water WellNM, USAWell33.85007-106.836418.275.1453°NE
10054 Water WellNM, USAWell33.74395-106.7922412.657.86238°WSW
10057 Water WellNM, USAWell33.71201-107.0339215.639.71229°SW
10058 Water WellNM, USAWell33.66368-107.0328119.5512.15216°SW
100600 Water WellNM, USAWell33.67618-106.8255816.2310.08208°SSW
10 Water WellNM, USAWell33.84229-106.861975.913.6745°NE
12 Water WellNM, USAWell33.89451-106.8650310.76.6522°NNE
B-2 Water WellNM, USAWell33.8134-106.841696.163.8381°E
B-6 Water WellNM, USAWell33.80201-106.858914.512.8266°W
179 United States 380 San Antonio InterchangeNM, USARoad33.91784-106.8814212.787.9411°N
Black Cat Claims-Luis LopezNM, USASpot33.95368-106.9894818.1911.3125°NNE
Black Crow and San Juan ClaimsNM, USASpot33.9484-106.9733717.0810.6121°NNE
Boon WellNM, USAWell33.87701-107.036714.388.9456°NE
Bosque Del Apache GrantNM, USAAdministrative area33.81784-106.864474.232.6370°ENE
Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife RefugeNM, USAPark33.80032-106.87413.141.95260°W
Bosque Del Apache Refuge HeadquartersNM, USABuilding33.80507-106.9075200
Bosque del Apache Weather StationNM, USASpot33.80007-106.867253.772.34262°W
Bosque del Apache Wilderness (Chupadera Unit)NM, USAZone33.83812-106.939484.722.9339°NE
Bosque del Apache Wilderness (Indian Well Unit)NM, USAZone33.79284-106.92672.241.39233°SW
Bosque del Apache Wilderness (Little San Pascual Unit)NM, USAZone33.78785-106.828647.554.69255°WSW
Broken TankNM, USAArtificial lake33.93186-107.0111417.0610.634°NE
Bruton RanchNM, USASpot33.67535-106.8244616.3610.17208°SSW
Canyon TrailNM, USATrail33.79056-106.908561.621.01183°S
Carthage Tokay Farley Historical MarkerNM, USAPark33.91784-106.8658613.138.1617°NNE
CCC Camp Water WellNM, USAWell33.87118-106.878367.844.8720°NNE
Cement TankNM, USAArtificial lake33.79347-107.0373512.087.51264°W
Chavez CanyonNM, USAValley33.92617-107.0403118.2311.3342°NE
Chupadera MountainsNM, USAMountains33.93979-106.9853116.6310.3326°NNE
Chupadera WildernessNM, USAZone33.83717-106.938964.612.8639°NE
Coyote SpringNM, USASpring33.82173-107.001148.865.578°ENE
Duncan FarmsNM, USASpot33.94173-106.8603115.839.8316°NNE
Elmendorf DitchNM, USACanal33.8634-106.856138.05536°NE
Elmendorf Post Office (historical)NM, USAPost Office33.75923-106.912255.123.18185°S
Elmendorf SidingNM, USASpot33.76146-106.910584.863.02183°S
Espaejos Expedition on the Camino Real Historical MarkerNM, USAPark33.89285-106.8744710.246.3617°NNE
Eutimio Montoyo HouseNM, USABuilding33.91784-106.8658613.138.1617°NNE
Fite TankNM, USAArtificial lake33.82729-106.7839111.77.2778°ENE

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