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Billing Smelter Historic Site, NM, USA   Building

Billing Smelter Historic Site
Latitude:  34.058399Longitude:   -106.891418

Antipode: -34.058399 , 73.108582

Sunrise: 14:09 GMT     Sunset: 00:31 GMT
Daylight: 10 h 21 m 48 s      Solar noon: 19:20 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Billing Smelter Historic Site.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
BosquecitoNM, USAPopulated place33.97729-106.850869.776.07203°SSW
EscondidaNM, USAPopulated place34.10146-106.896424.822.99N
FloridaNM, USAPopulated place34.09118-106.898363.72.310°N
LaborcitaNM, USAPopulated place33.9459-106.8686412.77.89190°S
LemitarNM, USAPopulated place34.15979-106.9103111.427.1N
Luis LopezNM, USAPopulated place33.98896-106.885317.754.82184°S
McNierneyNM, USAPopulated place34.19368-106.9061415.129.4N
PolvaderaNM, USAPopulated place34.20479-106.921716.5310.2710°N
PueblitoNM, USAPopulated place34.12201-106.878647.184.46N
San AntonioNM, USAPopulated place33.91784-106.8658615.829.83189°S
San PedroNM, USAPopulated place33.91034-106.8422517.110.62195°SSW
SocorroNM, USAPopulated place34.0584-106.8914200
Tajo (historical)NM, USAPopulated place34.04312-106.852813.952.45244°WSW
Abeytia Aniceto House Historic SiteNM, USABuilding34.0584-106.8914200
Aerojet BuildingNM, USABuilding34.06618-106.906691.651.0358°ENE
A G Torres HouseNM, USABuilding34.0584-106.8914200
Anastacio Sedillo HouseNM, USABuilding34.05007-106.891420.930.58180°S
Animal Care FacilityNM, USABuilding34.06618-106.906691.651.0358°ENE
Anthony Cortsey House Historic SiteNM, USABuilding34.0584-106.8914200
Array Operations Center BuildingNM, USABuilding34.06618-106.906691.651.0358°ENE
Arroyo de la CañasNM, USAStream34.0159-106.861695.473.4210°SSW
Arroyo de la ParidaNM, USAStream34.12701-106.885867.654.76N
Arroyo de la PresillaNM, USAValley34.06507-106.870582.061.2869°ENE
Arroyo del CoyoteNM, USAValley34.10729-106.868915.823.6221°NNE
Arroyo de los PinosNM, USAValley34.08173-106.863643.652.2745°NE
Arroyo del PuertecitoNM, USAStream34.19645-106.9228115.649.7211°N
Arroyo del TajoNM, USAValley34.04062-106.864473.181.97231°SW
Arroyo del VeranitoNM, USAStream34.15757-106.880311.096.89N
Arroyo de Tio BartoloNM, USAValley34.07784-106.86283.412.1251°NE
Arroyo MatanzaNM, USAValley34.00257-106.870586.514.04197°SSW
Arroyo TinajasNM, USAStream34.06784-106.810587.534.6882°E
Arroyo VarridoNM, USAStream34.20507-106.815317.7711.0423°NNE
Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Depot Historic SiteNM, USABuilding34.0584-106.8914200
10028 Water WellNM, USAWell34.19923-106.9064215.749.78N
10032 Water WellNM, USAWell34.17007-106.9155812.637.8510°N
10033 Water WellNM, USAWell34.08646-106.895863.151.96N
10036 Water WellNM, USAWell34.03423-106.91923.722.31224°SW
10039 Water WellNM, USAWell33.94812-106.872812.47.7188°S
Baca HallNM, USABuilding34.06618-106.875581.71.0659°ENE
156 Lemitar InterchangeNM, USARoad34.15785-106.9183711.357.0513°NNE
179 United States 380 San Antonio InterchangeNM, USARoad33.91784-106.8814215.679.74183°S
Big BasinNM, USASpot33.96146-106.9733713.188.19215°SW
Big Basin Group-Luis Lopez D MineNM, USASpot33.96479-106.9725312.837.97216°SW
Billing Smelter Historic SiteNM, USABuilding34.0584-106.8914200
Black Cat Claims-Luis LopezNM, USASpot33.95368-106.9894814.769.17218°SW
Black Crow and San Juan ClaimsNM, USASpot33.9484-106.9733714.398.94212°SSW
Blue Canyon WellNM, USASpot34.04646-106.952265.773.58257°WSW
Blue Gold-Luis Lopez DistrictNM, USASpot33.99785-106.9939211.617.22235°SW

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