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Patton Village Census Designated Place, CA, USA   

Patton Village Census Designated Place
Latitude:  40.140133Longitude:   -120.177788

Antipode: -40.140133 , 59.822212

Sunrise: 14:59 GMT     Sunset: 01:31 GMT
Daylight: 10 h 32 m 38 s      Solar noon: 20:15 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Patton Village Census Designated Place.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
Porter CanyonCA, USAValley40.10685-120.222985.343.32226°SW
Robinson CanyonCA, USAValley40.01324-120.1293714.729.14196°SSW
Robinson CreekCA, USAStream40.05185-120.2521511.697.26213°SSW
Rowland CreekCA, USAStream40.01796-120.2307714.338.9198°SSW
Sheep SpringsCA, USASpring40.17666-120.202914.592.8528°NNE
Sierra Army DepotCA, USA40.20655-120.133038.325.1727°NNE
Sierra Army Depot Fire and Emergency ServicesCA, USABuilding40.14376-120.162841.330.8372°ENE
Sierra Primary SchoolCA, USASchool40.14101-120.135213.622.2588°E
Skedaddle CreekCA, USAStream40.19435-120.0421513.028.0962°ENE
Steffens SpringCA, USASpring40.01961-120.0591816.7910.44217°SW
Stiles CanyonCA, USAValley40.14768-120.3102111.37.0286°E
The IslandCA, USATerrain40.20629-120.2618810.276.3844°NE
Turtle MountainCA, USAMountain40.10991-120.083268.725.42247°WSW
U S-Hertz Inc 1235 DamCA, USASpot40.04324-120.1677110.826.72185°S
Wagner CanyonCA, USAValley40.10296-120.212995.113.17216°SW
Willow Ranch CreekCA, USAStream40.0299-120.1068713.688.5206°SSW

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Page issued on Tue 11-Feb-2025 21:24 GMT
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