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Star Charts

sectorial sky maps

up to magnitude 7

Dark Sky background

Dec / RA21 - 33 - 99 - 1515 - 21
-30 - -90****
-30 - +30****
+30 - +90****

White Sky background

Dec / RA21 - 33 - 99 - 1515 - 21
-30 - -90****
-30 - +30****
+30 - +90****

White Sky B/W background

Dec / RA21 - 33 - 99 - 1515 - 21
-30 - -90****
-30 - +30****
+30 - +90****

whole sky maps

few stars: city sky, many stars: countryside sky

North Pole, Epoch J2000 (January 1, 2000AD h12:00)

many starsfew stars
black skywhite skyblack skywhite sky
Stars only****
Constellation lines****
Constellation lines and names****
Constellation boundaries****

South Pole, Epoch J2000 (January 1, 2000AD h12:00)

many starsfew stars
black skywhite skyblack skywhite sky
Stars only****
Constellation lines****
Constellation lines and names****
Constellation boundaries****

Northern Emisphere, average night sky

many starsfew stars
black skywhite skyblack skywhite sky
Summer time****
Winter time****

Southern Emisphere, average night sky

many starsfew stars
black skywhite skyblack skywhite sky
Summer time****
Winter time****

Star Charts of Constellations