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Badger Spring, NV, USA   Spring

Badger Spring
Latitude:  37.346073Longitude:   -115.342934

Antipode: -37.346073 , 64.657066

Sunrise: 13:48 GMT     Sunset: 01:05 GMT
Daylight: 11 h 17 m 37 s      Solar noon: 19:27 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Badger Spring.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
Ash SpringsNV, USAPopulated place37.46052-115.1930818.3811.4246°NE
Alamo DivisionNV, USAAdministrative area37.45592-115.4123613.688.527°NNE
Alamo Landing FieldNV, USAAirport37.36093-115.1940913.278.2583°E
Alamo TownshipNV, USAAdministrative area37.44052-115.2897411.527.1624°NNE
Badger MountainNV, USAMountain37.35163-115.326131.61167°ENE
Badger SpringNV, USASpring37.34607-115.3429300
Badger ValleyNV, USATerrain37.2958-115.25789.395.83233°SW
Blowfly ReservoirNV, USAArtificial lake37.37215-115.4635111.066.8775°ENE
Bluff SpringNV, USASpring37.36385-115.251418.345.1876°ENE
Brownie SpringNV, USASpring37.48241-115.2110319.1411.8937°NE
Cow Camp SpringNV, USASpring37.45385-115.3069712.417.7115°NNE
Cutler ReservoirNV, USAArtificial lake37.33521-115.441938.845.5262°W
East Pahranagat RangeNV, USAMountains37.29968-115.2316911.126.91242°WSW
Fox Tail SpringNV, USASpring37.36024-115.262527.294.5377°ENE
Grave SpringNV, USASpring37.3269-115.25538.045255°WSW
Hancock SummitNV, USATerrain37.43169-115.374219.926.1716°NNE
Medsger PassNV, USATerrain37.2369-115.2155816.5810.3223°SW
Mount Irish RangeNV, USAMountains37.43329-115.2966910.546.5523°NNE
Number One DitchNV, USACanal37.44524-115.1958517.0610.650°NE
Pahranagat RangeNV, USAMountains37.36802-115.368643.342.0743°NE

Page issued on Sun 13-Oct-2024 08:29 GMT
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