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Bird Spring, NV, USA   Spring

Bird Spring
Latitude:  37.738567Longitude:   -115.235580

Antipode: -37.738567 , 64.76442

Sunrise: 14:50 GMT     Sunset: 00:56 GMT
Daylight: 10 h 6 m 28 s      Solar noon: 19:53 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Bird Spring.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
HikoNV, USAPopulated place37.59691-115.2241915.89.82184°S
Ash SpringsNV, USASpring37.78579-115.174197.544.6846°NE
Bird SpringNV, USASpring37.73857-115.2355800
Chicken SpringNV, USASpring37.87912-115.1630816.910.522°NNE
Cold Springs WashNV, USAStream37.81884-115.3533613.688.549°NE
Davis CabinNV, USASpot37.72357-115.331418.65.34259°W
Fossil PeakNV, USAMountain37.72357-115.18534.732.94249°WSW
Henry SpringNV, USASpring37.68983-115.3739113.348.29246°WSW
Hiko CanyonNV, USAValley37.60829-115.2169714.599.07186°S
Hiko Census Designated PlaceNV, USA37.60629-115.2018315.029.33191°SSW
Hiko Mill (historical)NV, USASpot37.59691-115.2241915.89.82184°S
Hiko NarrowsNV, USAValley37.69329-115.177257.24.47226°SW
Hiko SpringNV, USASpring37.59844-115.2153415.79.76187°S
John Wright ReservoirNV, USAArtificial lake37.70983-115.156147.694.78245°WSW
Little Cut SpringNV, USASpring37.69622-115.3776913.378.31249°WSW
Logan CanyonNV, USAValley37.60274-115.3447517.9211.14212°SSW
Mail SummitNV, USATerrain37.70163-115.284745.973.71226°SW
Murphy Gap ReservoirNV, USAArtificial lake37.86745-115.310115.779.825°NNE
Nesbitt ReservoirNV, USAArtificial lake37.78693-115.0864614.198.8168°ENE
Norton FenceNV, USASpot37.79274-115.18537.484.6536°NE
Ora Lovell MineNV, USASpot37.65301-115.3822516.059.97234°SW
Pahranagat Mining DistrictNV, USAAdministrative area37.63496-115.380317.1910.68228°SW
Seaman NarrowsNV, USATerrain37.78051-115.161698.014.9754°NE
Seaman SpringNV, USASpring37.86117-115.1986914.038.7213°NNE
Seaman WashNV, USAStream37.74801-115.120310.26.3484°E
Silver CanyonNV, USAValley37.61718-115.3586417.3210.76219°SW
Silver HillNV, USAMountain37.62607-115.3780817.7311.02225°SW
Springer SpringNV, USASpring37.67105-115.3721514.188.81238°WSW
Tooley ReservoirNV, USAArtificial lake37.8494-115.2658612.627.8412°NNE
Tule ReservoirNV, USAArtificial lake37.84996-115.2339212.47.71N
Tule SpringNV, USASpring37.86218-115.3764218.5111.542°NE
White RiverNV, USAStream37.66746-115.193918.735.42205°SSW

Page issued on Sat 25-Jan-2025 03:01 GMT
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