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Burris HQ Water Well, NM, USA   Well

Burris HQ Water Well
Latitude:  34.345901Longitude:   -106.619186

Antipode: -34.345901 , 73.380814

Sunrise: 14:12 GMT     Sunset: 00:21 GMT
Daylight: 10 h 9 m 26 s      Solar noon: 19:16 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Burris HQ Water Well.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
Canyon MillNM, USAPopulated place34.31451-106.71539.55.9248°WSW
Gibbs PlaceNM, USAPopulated place34.26785-106.7300213.398.32230°SW
Red MillNM, USAPopulated place34.29535-106.7500213.288.25245°WSW
Tomasino MillNM, USAPopulated place34.25257-106.6733511.527.16206°SSW
Abo CanyonNM, USAValley34.45895-106.5086316.1710.0539°NE
Adolpho TankNM, USAArtificial lake34.23357-106.6096612.547.79184°S
Agua de los TorresNM, USAStream34.24368-106.6625212.067.49199°SSW
Agua de los Torres MillNM, USASpot34.25201-106.6072410.516.53186°S
10019 Water WellNM, USAWell34.49534-106.6164116.6410.34N
10023 Water WellNM, USAWell34.26812-106.7241912.978.06228°SW
10024 Water WellNM, USAWell34.25979-106.641139.86.09192°SSW
10029 Water WellNM, USAWell34.22201-106.6847415.059.35204°SSW
Black ButteNM, USAMountain34.40951-106.68539.335.841°NE
Black MesaNM, USAMountain34.22812-106.618913.118.15180°S
Black WellNM, USAWell34.40146-106.663647.414.6133°NNE
Blue SpringsNM, USASpot34.43118-106.5180713.288.2544°NE
Blue Springs DrawNM, USAValley34.4609-106.5300215.29.4433°NNE
Blue Springs QuarryNM, USASpot34.42229-106.5225112.37.6446°NE
Brown TopNM, USAMountain34.2484-106.5352913.328.27215°SW
Buffalo Water WellNM, USAWell34.2234-106.6266913.658.48183°S
Buffalo WellNM, USAWell34.2234-106.626413.658.48183°S
Burris and Nunn RanchNM, USASpot34.3459-106.619460.030.0287°E
Burris HQ Water WellNM, USAWell34.3459-106.6191900
Burris Ranch Number 1 AirportNM, USAAirport34.48288-106.6164415.259.48N
Bustamonte SpringNM, USASpring34.48562-106.4964119.2111.9436°NE
Cañada de el MedioNM, USAValley34.35562-106.4766913.148.1785°E
Cañada MontosaNM, USAValley34.43812-106.4791916.4610.2251°NE
Cañon TankNM, USAArtificial lake34.19892-106.5357718.0711.23205°SSW
Cerro MontosoNM, USAMountain34.35757-106.538357.544.6980°E
Cerro PelonNM, USAMountain34.33896-106.534187.854.88264°W
Cibola SpringNM, USASpring34.23118-106.6786313.898.63203°SSW
C Irrigation Water WellNM, USAWell34.27007-106.7286313.148.16230°SW
Conqueror MineNM, USASpot34.26674-106.617248.815.48181°S
Donnis TankNM, USAArtificial lake34.20534-106.6417215.789.81188°S
Dripping SpringNM, USASpot34.4159-106.4708515.79.7560°ENE
El Valle de la JoyaNM, USAZone34.28729-106.7647514.899.25244°WSW
Entraniosa DrawNM, USAValley34.24923-106.5980710.936.79190°S
Freds Water WellNM, USAWell34.30312-106.7350211.677.25246°WSW
Goat DrawNM, USAValley34.45895-106.5411314.48930°NNE
Goat RanchNM, USASpot34.4034-106.5216811.016.8454°NE
Grey RidgeNM, USATerrain34.2825-106.581677.864.88206°SSW
Hidden TankNM, USAArtificial lake34.25297-106.7442315.479.61228°SW
John Renlods TankNM, USAArtificial lake34.27961-106.565768.875.51214°SSW
La CaidaNM, USAArtificial lake34.22163-106.646114.058.73190°S
La May TankNM, USAArtificial lake34.19772-106.5867416.7610.42190°S
Las Nutrias LateralNM, USACanal34.49368-106.7672521.3413.2640°NE
Los Pinos MountainsNM, USATerrain34.33479-106.585573.332.07248°WSW
Lower Marr TankNM, USAArtificial lake34.21919-106.5718114.769.17197°SSW
Lower Montosa WellNM, USAWell34.30312-106.578076.083.78218°SW

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Page issued on Fri 17-Jan-2025 02:20 GMT
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