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Big Sandy Creek Dam Number 12, TX, USA   Spot

Big Sandy Creek Dam Number 12
Latitude:  33.472607Longitude:   -97.823921

Antipode: -33.472607 , 82.176079

Sunrise: 13:34 GMT     Sunset: 23:51 GMT
Daylight: 10 h 17 m 4 s      Solar noon: 18:42 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Big Sandy Creek Dam Number 12.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
AlvordTX, USAPopulated place33.35844-97.6947617.4810.86223°SW
BowieTX, USAPopulated place33.55899-97.848659.896.1413°NNE
CraftonTX, USAPopulated place33.36928-97.9058713.798.57214°SSW
Dry ValleyTX, USAPopulated place33.55455-97.6908715.359.5454°NE
FruitlandTX, USAPopulated place33.50177-97.795594.182.639°NE
McDonaldTX, USAPopulated place33.54066-97.82427.584.71N
Park SpringsTX, USAPopulated place33.40539-97.818927.54.66184°S
SalonaTX, USAPopulated place33.54733-97.7478110.916.7840°NE
SelmaTX, USAPopulated place33.48761-97.888656.243.8874°ENE
SmyrnaTX, USAPopulated place33.47678-97.733648.45.2287°E
SunsetTX, USAPopulated place33.45205-97.76675.793.59247°WSW
Alvord Oil FieldTX, USAOil field33.35955-97.7819813.178.19197°SSW
Alvord Post OfficeTX, USAPost Office33.35976-97.6962817.2810.73223°SW
Alvord Volunteer Fire DepartmentTX, USABuilding33.35812-97.6932417.610.94224°SW
Amon G Carter DamTX, USASpot33.46844-97.865313.872.41263°W
Anson Oil FieldTX, USAOil field33.6101-97.938118.6111.5735°NE
Aries Caddo Oil FieldTX, USAOil field33.519-97.7247510.566.5661°ENE
Beechman BranchTX, USAStream33.52983-97.6764215.19.3865°ENE
Bible Baptist ChurchTX, USAChurch/Temple33.56844-97.8333710.76.65N
Big Sandy Creek Dam Number 10TX, USASpot33.514-97.843094.943.0721°NNE
Big Sandy Creek Dam Number 11TX, USASpot33.48094-97.839481.721.0757°ENE
Big Sandy Creek Dam Number 12TX, USASpot33.47261-97.8239200
Big Sandy Creek Dam Number 13TX, USASpot33.47289-97.80921.370.8589°E
Boedeker Oil FieldTX, USAOil field33.57927-97.9108714.368.9234°NE
Bowie Baptist Mission ChurchTX, USAChurch/Temple33.55927-97.848929.926.1714°NNE
Bowie City HallTX, USABuilding33.55991-97.846849.956.1812°NNE
Bowie DivisionTX, USAAdministrative area33.54889-97.841838.655.3811°N
Bowie Elementary SchoolTX, USASchool33.57066-97.8397511.016.84N
Bowie Fire Department Emergency Medical ServiceTX, USABuilding33.56111-97.8491510.136.2913°NNE
Bowie High SchoolTX, USASchool33.5615-97.838379.996.2N
Bowie Junior High SchoolTX, USASchool33.55788-97.842549.65610°N
Bowie Memorial HospitalTX, USAHospital33.5623-97.8342310.036.23N
Bowie Municipal AirportTX, USAAirport33.6043-97.7744215.369.5517°NNE
Bowie Police DepartmentTX, USABuilding33.55983-97.846869.946.1812°NNE
Bowie Post OfficeTX, USAPost Office33.55854-97.848549.846.1113°NNE
Bowie Primary SchoolTX, USASchool33.55622-97.840879.445.8710°N
Bowie Rural Volunteer Fire DepartmentTX, USABuilding33.5542-97.857199.595.9619°NNE
Bowie Southwest Oil FieldTX, USAOil field33.44622-97.9644913.388.31257°WSW
Brier Creek CemeteryTX, USACemetery33.52678-97.892828.795.4647°NE
Brushy MoundTX, USAMountain33.59483-97.9164316.091032°NNE
Carter Lake ChapelTX, USAChurch/Temple33.48428-97.859483.552.269°ENE
Cattail HollowTX, USAValley33.43335-97.733939.435.86242°WSW
Central Baptist ChurchTX, USAChurch/Temple33.56094-97.8522610.186.3215°NNE
Central Baptist ChurchTX, USAChurch/Temple33.36956-97.9003113.498.38212°SSW
Cherryhomes LakeTX, USAArtificial lake33.34511-97.9686519.5512.15223°SW
Chicken CreekTX, USAStream33.34317-97.7250317.0910.62213°SSW
Church of ChristTX, USAChurch/Temple33.35872-97.6961417.3710.79223°SW
City of BowieTX, USAAdministrative area33.55666-97.8449.545.9311°NNE
City of Sunset (historical)TX, USAAdministrative area33.45258-97.768435.623.49247°WSW

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