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Church of the Open Bible, IA, USA   Church/Temple

Church of the Open Bible
Latitude:  42.666637Longitude:   -93.896889

Antipode: -42.666637 , 86.103111

Sunrise: 13:41 GMT     Sunset: 23:10 GMT
Daylight: 9 h 29 m 12 s      Solar noon: 18:26 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in Church of the Open Bible.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
Eagle GroveIA, USAPopulated place42.66414-93.904390.670.42246°WSW
FlorenceIA, USAPopulated place42.70247-93.818557.554.6958°ENE
GoldfieldIA, USAPopulated place42.73581-93.920787.944.9414°NNE
HolmesIA, USAPopulated place42.73914-93.833839.585.9533°NNE
Nuel (historical)IA, USAPopulated place42.62608-93.964677.154.45231°SW
VincentIA, USAPopulated place42.59192-94.0202313.098.13231°SW
WoolstockIA, USAPopulated place42.56664-93.8438311.957.43201°SSW
Amish Cemetery (historical)IA, USACemetery42.69581-93.791899.195.7169°ENE
Assembly of God ChurchIA, USAChurch/Temple42.66108-93.904110.860.53224°SW
Bac GroveIA, USASpot42.63247-93.9033.842.38187°S
Bach Grove Post Office (historical)IA, USAPost Office42.61692-93.903835.563.46186°S
Benson ParkIA, USAPark42.73136-93.7835511.747.352°NE
Boone River Green Belt - Middleton AccessIA, USASpot42.59164-93.900228.355.19182°S
Broadway Vision ClinicIA, USAHospital42.66386-93.904670.710.44244°WSW
Buttermilk CreekIA, USAStream42.73747-93.923568.185.0815°NNE
Church of the Open BibleIA, USAChurch/Temple42.66664-93.8968900
City of Eagle GroveIA, USAAdministrative area42.66672-93.902610.470.2989°E
City of GoldfieldIA, USAAdministrative area42.73564-93.918197.884.8913°NNE
City of VincentIA, USAAdministrative area42.59183-94.0188613.018.08230°SW
City of WoolstockIA, USAAdministrative area42.56478-93.8432612.167.56201°SSW
Clarion Municipal AirportIA, USAAirport42.74194-93.7589114.068.7453°NE
Colfax CemeteryIA, USACemetery42.52247-94.0196818.9411.77212°SSW
Community Dental CenterIA, USAHospital42.66386-93.906890.880.54249°WSW
Ditch Number 102IA, USACanal42.6358-93.998288.985.58248°WSW
Ditch Number 124IA, USACanal42.57997-93.7743813.928.65226°SW
Ditch Number 13IA, USACanal42.62608-93.868845.073.15207°SSW
Ditch Number 130IA, USACanal42.59692-93.7832712.127.53230°SW
Ditch Number 149IA, USACanal42.57608-93.7582715.189.43228°SW
Ditch Number 15IA, USACanal42.65997-93.911061.380.86237°WSW
Ditch Number 171IA, USACanal42.6172-93.775511.367.06241°WSW
Ditch Number 172IA, USACanal42.60831-93.837728.15.03217°SW
Ditch Number 19IA, USACanal42.65414-93.99197.94.91260°W
Ditch Number 192IA, USACanal42.64136-93.826616.413.98244°WSW
Ditch Number 2IA, USACanal42.70081-93.7593811.887.3871°ENE
Ditch Number 25IA, USACanal42.6708-93.9821774.3586°E
Ditch Number 36IA, USACanal42.74358-93.7899412.247.6146°NE
Ditch Number 46IA, USACanal42.58858-93.948849.676.01206°SSW
Ditch Number 49IA, USACanal42.60886-93.95197.854.88215°SW
Ditch Number 86IA, USACanal42.55164-93.9260613.028.09191°S
Ditch Number 9IA, USACanal42.69608-93.858554.542.8244°NE
Ditch Number 94IA, USACanal42.63775-93.914393.522.19204°SSW
Drainage Ditch 102IA, USACanal42.6158-94.0121811.016.84239°WSW
Drainage Ditch Number 102IA, USACanal42.62941-94.001629.525.92244°WSW
Eagle CreekIA, USAStream42.5472-93.8443913.978.68198°SSW
Eagle GroveIA, USASpot42.66664-93.901610.390.2490°E
Eagle Grove Chiropractic CenterIA, USAHospital42.66386-93.90550.770.48246°WSW
Eagle Grove City HallIA, USABuilding42.66414-93.916061.590.99260°W
Eagle Grove Country ClubIA, USASpot42.66719-93.946894.092.5489°E
Eagle Grove Department of Emergency Medical ServicesIA, USABuilding42.66392-93.898990.350.22210°SSW
Eagle Grove Elementary SchoolIA, USASchool42.66796-93.915251.510.9484°E

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