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B-6 Water Well, NM, USA   Well

B-6 Water Well
Latitude:  33.802010Longitude:   -106.858910

Antipode: -33.80201 , 73.14109

Sunrise: 14:01 GMT     Sunset: 23:59 GMT
Daylight: 9 h 57 m 37 s      Solar noon: 19:0 GMT

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Best places to visit and what to see in B-6 Water Well.

Near spots:
NameCountryFeatureLatitudeLongitudeDist. (km)Dist. (mi)BearingDirection
Kinney WellsNM, USAPopulated place33.87118-106.7500212.687.8853°NE
LaborcitaNM, USAPopulated place33.9459-106.8686416.049.97N
Old CarthageNM, USAPopulated place33.87673-106.7275214.729.1556°NE
San AntonioNM, USAPopulated place33.91784-106.8658612.918.02N
San AntonitoNM, USAPopulated place33.89285-106.8744710.216.35N
San MarcialNM, USAPopulated place33.70007-106.9872516.4310.21226°SW
San PedroNM, USAPopulated place33.91034-106.8422512.167.55N
TiffanyNM, USAPopulated place33.72312-106.9433611.767.3222°SW
TokayNM, USAPopulated place33.87368-106.7391813.658.4854°NE
Val VerdeNM, USAPopulated place33.70312-106.9308612.877.99211°SSW
Anaya Water WellNM, USAWell33.91756-106.7208518.1211.2645°NE
Antelope Wilderness Study AreaNM, USAPark33.7834-106.775577.984.96255°WSW
Araya WellNM, USASpot33.91701-106.7205718.0911.2445°NE
10039 Water WellNM, USAWell33.94812-106.872816.3210.14N
10043 Water WellNM, USAWell33.90118-106.8719711.16.9N
10044 Water WellNM, USAWell33.89173-106.920311.497.1430°NNE
10045 Water WellNM, USAWell33.84368-106.88785.353.3330°NNE
10048 Water WellNM, USAWell33.85007-106.836415.743.5721°NNE
10054 Water WellNM, USAWell33.74395-106.792248.935.55224°SW
100600 Water WellNM, USAWell33.67618-106.8255814.348.91192°SSW
10 Water WellNM, USAWell33.84229-106.861974.492.79N
12 Water WellNM, USAWell33.89451-106.8650310.316.41N
B-2 Water WellNM, USAWell33.8134-106.841692.041.2751°NE
B-6 Water WellNM, USAWell33.80201-106.8589100
179 United States 380 San Antonio InterchangeNM, USARoad33.91784-106.8814213.068.12N
Black Crow and San Juan ClaimsNM, USASpot33.9484-106.9733719.4312.0733°NNE
Bosque Del Apache GrantNM, USAAdministrative area33.81784-106.864471.841.1416°NNE
Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife RefugeNM, USAPark33.80032-106.87411.420.88262°W
Bosque Del Apache Refuge HeadquartersNM, USABuilding33.80507-106.907524.512.886°E
Bosque del Apache Weather StationNM, USASpot33.80007-106.867250.80.5254°WSW
Bosque del Apache Wilderness (Chupadera Unit)NM, USAZone33.83812-106.939488.475.2662°ENE
Bosque del Apache Wilderness (Indian Well Unit)NM, USAZone33.79284-106.92676.353.95261°W
Bosque del Apache Wilderness (Little San Pascual Unit)NM, USAZone33.78785-106.828643.212241°WSW
Bruton RanchNM, USASpot33.67535-106.8244614.468.98193°SSW
Cañon Agua BuenaNM, USAValley33.90146-106.735315.919.8946°NE
Canyon TrailNM, USATrail33.79056-106.908564.772.96255°WSW
Carthage CemeteryNM, USACemetery33.88423-106.7258415.339.5353°NE
Carthage Post Office (historical)NM, USAPost Office33.87673-106.7297414.559.0455°NE
Carthage Tokay Farley Historical MarkerNM, USAPark33.91784-106.8658612.918.02N
CCC Camp Water WellNM, USAWell33.87118-106.878367.914.9113°NNE
Cerro del ViboroNM, USAMountain33.91618-106.7416816.710.3840°NE
Chupadera MountainsNM, USAMountains33.93979-106.9853119.2811.9837°NE
Chupadera WildernessNM, USAZone33.83717-106.938968.375.262°ENE
Coyote SpringNM, USASpring33.82173-107.0011413.348.2980°E
Duncan FarmsNM, USASpot33.94173-106.8603115.559.67N
Elmendorf DitchNM, USACanal33.8634-106.856136.844.25N
Elmendorf Post Office (historical)NM, USAPost Office33.75923-106.912256.864.26226°SW
Elmendorf SidingNM, USASpot33.76146-106.910586.584.09227°SW
Espaejos Expedition on the Camino Real Historical MarkerNM, USAPark33.89285-106.8744710.216.35N
Eutimio Montoyo HouseNM, USABuilding33.91784-106.8658612.918.02N

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